Edwardian Oil Painting 'Basket of Roses' after Catherine Klein |
Wishing you all a Very Happy New Year! Here at Vintage Home the new year brings new vintage stock to the
shop, here is a little taster of some of the vintage treasures which will be in the shop in the next few days...
1930s Gladioli and Asters Print by Fernand Renault |
1950s Red Roses Metal Dustpan |
Huge Vintage Roses Thermos Flask |
Daintily Embroidered Irish Linen Napkins and Tray Cloth Set |
Close-up on the Edwardian Basket of Roses Painting |
Just like the beautiful basket of roses above, our stock cupboard is literally overflowing with gorgeous floral vintage rugs, stunning fabrics and curtains, needlepoint cushions and rosy themed blankets and eiderdowns - all will be in the shop soon, we promise!