The beauty of an English garden is everywhere - on china, textiles, in paintings and packaging! We have filled our cottage garden with many varieties of pretty flowers and shrubs, and that love of flowers is also reflected in our home and on our website. Here is a small selection of our favourite collections and floral scenes which abound in both cottage and garden!
Vintage toiletries in a plethora of floral fragrances and designs...
A rampant and aromatic rambler of a rose!

The dainty blooms of aquilegia...

...the sunny yellow of the pansy...

...and the soft faded purple of the geranium...

...are echoed in this beautiful old oil painting of pansies.

The vibrant pink of sweet williams provides bold and lasting colour throughout the season.

A mix of magnificent, floral vintage fabrics provides inspiration in a rainbow of cheerful colours and patterns.

A pretty floral glass mirror amidst the vintage toiletries.
Thank you for visiting - we hope you have an enjoyable weekend!